
We Are Now a Stamford Card Partner

We’re pleased to announce that we are now an official Stamford Card partner.

The Stamford Card is organised and run by the Schools and enables those that hold a card to take advantage of a fantastic array of benefits, offers and money off.

Card holders pay a modest sum of £10 per month for a subscription, and in return are able to redeem the card with over 140 shops, restaurants, hotels, attractions and service providers in the Stamford area.

Should any new or existing client with a Stamford card choose to redeem it with us at Quibble, we now offer a 10% discount on our monthly digital marketing costs.

How Does the Stamford Card Work?

The great news is, The Stamford Card is open to everyone, whether they live in the area or not and is a great way to support local businesses in and around Stamford.

You can sign up for your card right here.

Each cardholder will pay a monthly subscription fee, all of which is used to provide bursary assistance to the local children that wish to attend the Schools. This means that children from the community that would otherwise be unable to attend can benefit, which helps further their education.

How Does it Benefit the Scheme Partners?

The benefit for the partners in the scheme, which include local shops, estate agents, restaurants, hospitality venues and service providers, is access to hundreds of potentially new customers and clients that may wish to shop in the Stamford area to support the local economy.

Quibble Managing Director and Founder Anna Morrish had this to say when asked why she signed up for the scheme, “We’ve been living and working in the area for years now, and it’s a good chance to give back to the local community and encourage more people to shop locally.”

“As a business we’ve always supported local charities and events such The Benedict Blythe Foundation, The Biz Club and Breeds in Need to name a few, but this felt like a fantastic opportunity to offer tangible benefit to the wider community that we’re very lucky to be a part of.”

If you’re interested in redeeming your Stamford Card with any of our digital marketing services, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us today.